Tea rullar

Den lille ryttaren

Isac fick rida lite på Percy och självklart ville lillebror också testa… (Han ska göra allt som storebror gör).
Isac got to ride Percy a little and of course his little brother wanted to try as well… (He wants to do everything that his big brother does.)

Pepper 9 år

Pepper fyller 9 år idag!
Pepper turns 9 Years old today!

Tea 2 år

Idag fyller Tea 2 år! Och i söndags fyllde henne mamma Bunny 6 år. I helgen följde Tea med mig på en promenad i kraftig blåst och snårig skog. Ínga problem tyckte hon. Hon hade till och med ro att stanna och kissa.

Tea 2 years

Today Tea turns 2 years. And this Sunday her mom Bunny turned 6 years. During the weekend Tea joined me for a walk. it was windy and we walked in the forest. No problems. She even stopped to pee.


Tea in February
Jag förundras alltid över hur några av mina hästar byter färg över året. Som tydligast är det nu vid vårfällningen.
Mira & Tea

Color changes

I always marvels at the color change of my horses during the year. It is most obvious at this time of the year. 


A couple of weeks later – Tea is much lighter…
Percy in February….

Percy is getting less and less yellow…
Even more bay/brown looking…. Hardly no yellow.

Pepper in February

Pepper started to shed.

And is about this light now. Still – he isn’t as extreme as Tea.