En vanlig lördag
/0 Comments/in Bunny, Calinka, Iris, Joe, Pepper/by Ingrid Amadori
The weaning continues as well as working the horses. Today I had a nice trail ride with Calinka, ponying Tea and then a short trail ride with Bunny in company of Pepper and Frida. Everyone got a good workout! Good start of the weekend.
/0 Comments/in Pepper, Percy/by Ingrid AmadoriJust nu verkar hästarna lera ner sig mest varje dag… På Percy gick det mer eller mindre inte ens att borsta ur pälsen. Vet inte om jag tidigare varit med om att snyta ut leran ur min egen nästa när jag kommer hem… Nåja, de verkar ju nöjda i alla fall.
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(I really don’t know how he stands – his topline don’t look like this otherwise) |
Right now the horses seems to enjoy the mud. They look like this mostly everyday. I could hardly get rid of it from Percy. I don’t know if I ever have been sneezing the mud out of my nose when I get back home before… Well, they seem to be happy anyway.
Du är läskig, pappa
/0 Comments/in Joe, Pepper/by Ingrid Amadori
(Pepper brukar aldrig ha grimma i hagen men jag valde att ha den på när jag släpte honom med fölen för första gången. Han har aldrig visat något agg mot föl eller unghästar, men man vet ju aldrig)
You scare me, daddy
Joe couldn’t show enough how small he was when Pepper came and checked him out. Pepper on the other hand didn’t bother much with his offspring, only was a little curious.
(I usually never have halters on my horses in the pasture but as this was the first time Pepper and his offspring were in the same pasture I left in on. Even if he never has shown any bad behavior towards foals or youngsters I let him have that just as extra security).
Senaste inläggen
- Skillnad mellan Black Pepper och KB Cloud Number Nine January 6, 2025
- Vilka färger kan Cloud ge? September 13, 2023
- Ullekalvs Perceval June 1, 2022
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Allt material är skyddat av internationell upphovsrättslag och får ej användas i andra sammanhang utan skriftlig tillåtelse.