En regnig dag

Idag har regnet öst ner mest hela dagen blandat med åska. Hästarna verkade mindre besvärade av vädret och gick alla och betade och var inte lika sugna på att komma in som när det är fullt med insekter. De fick komma ur de blöta flugtäckena som inte precis behövdes. Bunny och Tea trodde att jag var ett monster när jag kom med kapuschong och Pepper var mycket mer på spänn än vanligt. Hans grannen såg nästan helt bra ut och bakbenet var något bättre. Hoppas det blev rätt medicin nu!

A rainy day


Today the rain has been pouring down – mixed with thunder. The horses seemed less unhappy with the weather than when the air is full of insects an was found grazing instead of hiding inside. I got them out of the wet fly sheets that wasn’t needed anyway. Bunny and tea thought I was a monster approaching in my raincoat, most of my head covered. Pepper was much more tense than usual, probably because of the weather, but his front leg looked nearly normal and the hind leg had probably improved. I hope we got the right medicine this time!

Bunny och Tea jobbar

Igår sammanstrålade Maria, Nanette och jag i stallet för att försöka göra lite där man behöver vara två. Maria tömkörde Pepper medan Nanette satt upp en kort stund på Bunny och jag följde efter med Tea i grimskaft. Tea skötte sig jättebra, särskilt med tanke på att det var första gången hon leddes utanför boxen.Bunny ledsnade efter ett tag på att gå runt i hagen, men skötte sig bra och kom ihåg en del – senast hon reds var i december. Hon behöver helt klart mer utbildning (men hon har ju ca 30 dagars träning i USA + ett tiotal ridturer i Sverige samt lite tömkörning bakom sig så något annat vore konstigt). I alla fall verkade det helt ok att ha med dottern, både ledd och sedan lös så när vi har tid kan vi börja utbilda henne lite mer.

Both taking a pic and leading Tea. Good girl!
Peppers ben är något bättre och svullnaden går ner lite vid motion. Men eftersom han inte svarat så bra som önskat fick han ny medicin – nu ska antibiotikan sprutas istället. I alla fall skötte sig Pepper exemplariskt när han sprutades.

Bunny and Tea and work

Yesterday Maria, Nanette and I all went to the stable to do somethings that demands more than one person. Maria long reined Pepper while Nanette rode Bunny for  a short while and I followed them around with Tea on the lead line and then set Tea free. Tea did great – the first time she was lead outside the stall. Bunny remembers something – she hadn’t been under saddle since December and need more education. But, she wasn’t to upset with being worked and having her daughter around, so we probably start her whenever there is time to let her do something.

It looked like this a lot of the time.

Peppers leg is a little bit better and the swelling is getting a little better while he works. But he hasn’t answered as well as suspected so he got a new kind of antibiotics – this time it is going to be injected. At least the first time he behaved perfectly.

Pepper got frustrated at the insects – and did some fun faces/leg kicking etc…

Embla provar grimma

Bilder från dagen /Pictures from today.

This is supposed to be the “one size fits all foals”..
Someone took her fly mask of….
Shedding out and is right now looking rather fun…
The grown ups get rugs but the young ones get to hide lose to their dame.


Besök hos hästarna med familjen. Visiting the horses with the family today.
Not easy to photograph with this conditions…
Tea is shedding and look a little fun…
Curious horses
Tea trying to play with Calinka…


Midsommarafton och jag hade möjlighet att bara vara i stalllet. Hästarna fick stå inne medan jag borstade allihopa, masserade Calinka och ledtränade Tea några steg. Hon verkar redan förstå vad det går ut på trots att vi bara gått runt i boxen ett eller ett par varv tre gånger. Så duktig!
Percy är lite vaktande om Embla – kanske mest mot de andra hästarna och särskilt Pepper. Tea däremot har börjat leka med Pepper lite. Embla verkar nyfiken på de andra – men Percy gillar det inte…


Midsummer and I had a chance to just spend some time in the stable. The horses got to stay inside while I brushed all of them, massage Calinka and did some lead training with Tea. She already seems to start to understand what I want even if it is only the third time and we just had walk a few steps in the stall each time each time. Good girl!
The biting game…

Percy is a bit protective about Embla – maybe most against the other horses and especially Pepper. Tea on the other hand has started to play a bit with Pepper. Embla is curious about those other horses – but mom don’t want her to check them out…


…but when he bites back it wasn’t as fun so Tea came visit me instead…
Feet are so interesting…

Apperently even when you get older (Pepper)
At some point Bunny thought Pepper did something wrong and she had to tell him to behave…
And they had to play the teeth game a little more…

Pepper got a braid as he was warm under his mane – see if that helps.