Bilder Embla, Percy & Calinka

Det har blivit lite få bilder av Percy, Calinka och Embla på sistone tycker jag…

I think it have been to few pictures of Percy, Calinka and Embla lately…

It turned out that Embla loved to get her tail scratched – I wonder if Calinka has told her…
Calinka loves also to get her ears scratched

Hästarna planerar

Embla and Calinka
Jag tänkte rida ut ytterligare en vända på Pepper, men han ville inte komma in hur mycket jag än visslade på honom. Så det blev att spendera tid med Embla och Percy istället. Embla fick träna på att ledas i hagen medan mamma stod kvar i uteboxen. Calinka ( som gärna hade jobbat) följde med som stöd. Embla var lite tveksam, men skötte sig allt bättre.
Till slut gick jag och hämtade Bunny och tog in henne och Tea. Pepper var inte ens sugen på att gå in i stallet – undrar om han har lite träningsvärk för han brukar inte tveka. Så, då fick han vila. Bunny fick gå omkring 10 minuter i strålar hagen, Tea stannade utanför stallet. Bunny blir orolig, men det går lite bättre varje gång. Den här gången gick vi längre bort än vi gjort tidigare och hittade en möjlighet att trava.
Calinka fick vackert vänta med jobb till kvällen när Maria kom förbi.

The horses make plans

I planned to take another short trail ride with Pepper, but he didn’t want to come to the stable even if I whistled a lot of times. So, I spent some time with Embla and Percy instead. I halter trained Embla a little, bringing her a few steps away from Percy while she was still in the stall. Instead Embla got Calinka (that had loved to work) as support. In the beginning she was a little skeptic, but it got better and better.
In the end I went and caught Bunny and brought her and Tea indoors. Pepper came by, but didn’t want to get inside. Maybe he had some aching muscles or just thought he needed a break? He probably hasn’t refused any time before. So I let him rest. Instead Bunny got me on her back and we walked around in the pasture about 10 minutes, Tea stayed most of the time outside the stable. Bunny don’t like to be separated from her daughter, but it gets a little bit better each time. This time we got farther away than before and trotted a few steps.

Flockliv – bildbomb

How to use your foal 1: scratching
How to use your foal 2: mutual grooming
Pepper and Bunny sharing water.
To share food is more acceptable than to share cuddle
Everyone was curious about what this was…
Embla was the most curious…

Percy got to try to step on it.
Curious Tea
I really like to see how Pepper and thew foals communicate

På fel sida staketet

Embla went under here when I got the grain.
Igår när jag skulle ta in Percy och Embla hängde Embla med mig till stallet – inte trodde jag att hon skulle gå under tråden som jag lämpnat halvtöppen….

On the wrong side of the fence

Yesterday when i brought Percy and Embla in, Embla joined me to the stable – I didn’t thought she would follow under the fence…
Percy waited outside – and hoped that pawing would bring her food faster…

Sandra jobbar

First horse to be worked – Pepper. He and Sandra is getting to know each other.
Idag var jag någon form av hästskötare och arbetsledare som hjälpte till att fixa iordning hästar och sa vad som skulle göras. Sandra fick utföra. Nåja, jag bar på David, så det fanns en anledning. Tidigare i veckan har både Sandra och Maria varit ute med Calinka.

Sandra works

Today I were some kind of groom and work leader. I helped to prepare the horses and told what to do. Sandra had to do. Well, I had a reason – I was carrying David. Earlier this week both Sandra and Maria have been out with Calinka.
Second horse – Bunny a short walk in the pasture.
Third horse – Calinka. When I had feed David and finished in the stable Mika and I went to meet them comeing back.
Percy found something interesting in the car…
Mika – that wasn’t impressed and barked to protect “her” car – she didn’t want Percy in there with her.