Nytt flygdatum – igen
Det positiva är väll att det blir mer tid att ordna med de sista detaljerna inför deras ankomst, men jag börjar känna att jag vill ha hit dem. Desutom blir jag rädd att de kommer precis innan, eller dagen innan jag ska iväg till Wales med jobbet. Jag tackade ja till det bara härromdagen eftersom det ju var mer än en vecka efter att de skulle komma. Och datumet kändes äntligen ganska säkert. Det känns som om hela december blivit uppbokat av att det KAN komma hästar och att jag inte kan boka något annat – inte ens på jobbet. Borde jag tagit 4 veckors semester?
It is not very much that happens right now; we build and prepare at every single free time space. According to earlier information the horses should have landed in Liege today. I realized that the travel agency might need my cellphone number, for example to notifies me when the horses would arrive. Therefore I sent them an email. Really quick I got an answer that said that Pepper and Percy was still in quarantine, they should arrive in Amsterdam 9:th or 11:th of December. At least one thing is fore sure – I don’t know and seems to be the last person to be notified.
I guess the positive side to this is that we have more time to get all details ready, but I really start to feel that I want them here. I also start to be nervous about them arriving just before or when I am in Wales with work. I said yes to going there just the other day as it was a week after they where suppose to have arrived. And I finally thought I had a rather secure date. It feels as all December has been like “it might come horses”. I can’t plan anything – not even at work. Maybe I should have asked for a 4 week vacation?
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