Found Pepper and Percy in this beautiful environment. |
Familjeskäl gjorde att jag oplanerat fick ta med Isac till stallet, alltså ingen uteritt med Calinka som jag hade planerat. Isac somnade dessutom i bilen och jag lät honom sova. Det betalar jag för nu när han vägrar somna fast det är långt över läggdags… Men, å andra sidan kunde jag träna Calinka i dagsljus och fota med mobilen. Pepper har blivit pepprig, trots att vi var ute en vända i mörkret igår. Så nu måste han bara busa, han skulle nog behöva jobba flera timmar om dagen. Percy såg mest besviken ut för att om inte fått jobba sedan i söndags och Bunny gillar inte alls att bli själv i hagen. Men hon var så snygg när hon galopperade runt.
Family reasons got me to unplanned bring Isac to the stable today. So I had to cancel that trail ride I had planned with Calinka. Isac fell asleep in the car and I let him sleep. That made it possible to long rein Calinka and take a lot of photos with the phone in daylight, but I am paying for that now. He is not going to sleep even if it is long time since he should have. Pepper has gotten “peppery” even if we worked yesterday and wants to play a lot. Percy looked most unhappy as she hasn’t been worked since Sunday and bunny didn’t like to be alone when Calinka worked. But she was so pretty, running around in the pasture.
Bunny and Calinka is trying to find pears that fall down from this tree. |

Part of the mares pasture. It is so beautiful right now. |
Pepper |
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