Pepper promenad
Damerna fick vara i hagen och sprang lite motvilligt runt. När jag kom låg Percy och sov… De väldigt förtjusta i Pepper just nu – särskilt Percy. Hon står på tå, lyfter svansen och följer efter Pepper om han är utanför hagen. Pepper svara med små gnäggningar.
It became a little longer walk with Pepper where we among other things meet traffic, watched the cross country obstacles nearby and spoke with a man on a bike. The later was boring according to Pepper – wait was not his favorite thing. Back home we tried some ditches – Pepper thought them to be harder than what Percy thought.
The ladies stayed in their pasture and run a bit. When I arrived Percy was sleeping… They are very into Pepper right now – especially Percy. She stands on her hind toes, raises her tail and follows Pepper as soon as he is outside his pasture. Pepper relies with small neighs.