Ston & föl i hagen
/2 Comments/in Bunny, Iris, Joe, Percy/by Ingrid AmadoriVinnare teckningstävling Östgötahäst 2014 på besök
/0 Comments/in allt annat, Bunny, Percy/by Ingrid AmadoriPepper |
Igår hade vi trevligt besök! Förra året annordnades en teckningstävling på Östgötahäst. Vinnaren i varje klass vann ett besök på Ullekalvs Rocky Mountains och att få prova på hästarna. Idag var Tilde (8 år) med mamma Caroline på besök. De fick mysa med hästarn i hagen och så fick Tilde prova Bunny på lite hinder bredvid stallet och Percy i tölt på ridbanan. Frida visade Pepper longerad och att han kan lite trick.
Yesterday we had nice visitors! Last year a drawing competition was held at Östgötahäst. The winners got a visit at Ullekalv Rocky Mountain Horses. Today Tilde (8years) and her mum Caroline visited. They cuddled with the horses and Tilde got to try Bunny at some obstacles and to gait with Percy. Frida showed Pepper a little: tricks and lounging.
Pepper i vagn
/0 Comments/in Bunny, Pepper, temperament/by Ingrid AmadoriPepper is pulling the wagon
Frida has been preparing Pepper a little for riving. Now was it time to attache the wagon. NO problems at all! Frida gave her (snot so horse used) boyfriend some short instructions and then he drove Pepper. I really admire the temperament of this breed Then we worked Bunny a little. We would probably have hooked her up as well, but I thought it more fair to give her some reminding work as it was about a year ago. Of course she didn’t care at all.
How we worked Pepper yesterday before attaching the wagon. |
Bunny |
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