Två tanter
/0 Comments/in Calinka/by Ingrid AmadoriRedan när tränset åkte på började Calinka gäspa – gång på gång. Hon visste nog vad som komma skulle – dressyr. När hon lossnar i de stela musklerna gäspar hon alltid och stela muskler fanns det gott om. Konstigt nog lyckades jag lura henne så att det aldrig riktigt tog emot – annars måste hon ofta säga att “det är stelt – det tar emot – det kan jag inte göra – är du inte klok?”, men inte denna gång. Däremot tog det längre tid än beräknat att få loss henne. Högersida ville inte och inte vänster galopp. Men med mycket gymnastik löste sig det mesta.
Percy var lika söt som alltid, men Pepper verkade inte uppskatta halvstormen som var hela dagen. När han såg mig med pannlampan gick han direkt sin väg (första gången det händer).
Eftersom jag inte hade någon som kunde fota fick det bli en gammla bild.
Yesterday was Calinkas day. I was to tired after the weekends illness to have the energy to work any of the other horses. If she was hard to catch? Well, she stood at the gate so I had to put the halter on and bring her indoors… I felt that she needed some massage – especially the neck was sore. As mine – the day before I got more sore in the neck than ever, a pain that spread to back and created a headache. Exactly as at Calinka (or – I don’t know if she had a headache).
When I put the bridle on she started to yawn – a lot of times. She probably knew what was coming – dressage. When her tense muscles relaxed she yawns – something that i usually seen in the beginning of a dressage training with her – especially if it was some time since she was worked. This time she was stiff – especially her right side and left canter. But with some slow work we made most of it go away. Usually she has to say “my muscles are stiff, that might hurt, I can’t do that, are you crazy?” but this time I managed to fool her.
Percy was as sweet as always while Pepper left as soon as he saw me (first time that happens). I think he didn’t like the wind – it was a very windy day and I came there with my head lamp in the dark.
As I didn’t have anyone to make a picture I took an old one.
Mina söta hästar
/0 Comments/in Mika, Pepper/by Ingrid AmadoriDagens andra insikt blev hur mycket jag gillar mina hästar. En annan kompis hade bett mig ta in hennes hästar för kvällen. Jag har gjort det många gånger tidigare och det brukar inte vara något problem. Samma rutin har använts i flera år. Igår smet ponnyn under grinden och sedan var inget sig likt. Ingen av araberna ville plötsligt in. De mest for runt och vimsade och hejdade sig i sista stund när de var på väg in. Jag hade inga vacka ord för dem när jag gång på gång försökte få in dem och halkade omkring i leran i deras hage i mina walking skor. Till slut fick jag på en grimman och ledde in henne (normalt sett går de in utan att ledas). Den sista blev kvar ute (utebox i hagen). Antar att hon traskade in när hon blev hungrig. Nåja, det ger mig perspektiv när jag gnäller på mina hästar. Jag kasnke inte ska klaga om på mina när de missar mycket mindre saker än detta. Ibland glömmer man hur det kunde ha varit. (Och nej, för det mesta är damerna jag tog in helt normala, men igår vet jag inte vad).
I should have taken a walk with a friend yesterday but she got something else coming up. She told me about a road I haven’t tried yet so Pepper, Mika and I set of. This road should be about 4,5 kilometers so when we arrived home after 30 minutes I was certain that we hadn’t got it right. Well, it’ll be other day – maybe even with daylight. Trying new trips in the dark is a special thing.
The second realization of the day was how much I like my horses. A friend had asked me to bring her horses indoors. I have done that many times before and there is usually no problems. The same routine has been used for years. But when the pony ran through the gait and got indoors before the others everything changed. None of the Arabians wanted to get indoors. The mostly ran around, stopping just before going indoors. I didn’t say many beautiful words as I slid around in the mud in my walking shoes, trying to get them indoors. Finally I could put a halter on one of them (they usually walk indoors by themselves). The last one still refused so I left her with her stable door open as her stall in in the field. Guess she got indoors as she got hungry. At least the hole episode got me a perspective about my horses, maybe I shouldn’t be so disappointed if they do much minor things. they are so good that I forget how it could have been. (And no, normally those mares I card for yesterday behaves way better than this, don’t know what struck them.)
/0 Comments/in Calinka, Percy/by Ingrid AmadoriEftersom jag verkar ha fått ordning på en av anledningarna till att jag inte lyckades lägga upp filmer måste jag ju passa på att lägga upp några fler när jag är hemma med sjukt barn. Dessa är från stona i hagen.
As it seems as I found out one problem in uploading movies I just have to upload some more as I am home with a sick child. Theses are still the short ones, from when the girls was in the field.
Percy promenad
/0 Comments/in Calinka, Mika, Pepper, Percy/by Ingrid AmadoriToday I took a 40 minute walk with Percy and Mika in the darkness. I hardly noticed that I brought a horse along, she just follows nice and easy!. I did recognize her shedding and that she seems constantly covered in mud. Before we left for our walk I searched for Pepper – just to check that he was ok. I didn’t see him anywhere – not even in the farthest part of the pasture where he likes to stand. When I returned to the stable he stood at the gate. Sweetie. Calinka went for a trail ride with Mariah earlier today.
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