/0 Comments/in Calinka, familj, Pepper, Percy/by Ingrid Amadori
Pepper was very social and seemed a bit disappointed that he wasn’t worked as well. I asked him for some speed in the pasture instead and tried to make some photos.
The rest of the family finished the stall doors (with some help of a friend) while I worked the horses. Now they just need some paint!
Alla hästar ridna
/0 Comments/in Calinka, Pepper, Percy/by Ingrid AmadoriMariah and a friend brought Calinka and Percy for a ride. It worked well except that they meet the gigantic tractor and fertilizer more than once…To get some more stimulation Calinka was worked a bit in dressage afterwards. Pepper want on a walk with me on the back and Maggan holding the lead. No problem – except with the surface for a Maggan for a short while. And while we did this my husband and Isac worked with the stall doors and some other stuff while Mika mostly felt sorry for herself.
/0 Comments/in Pepper/by Ingrid AmadoriTjejerna behagade knappt komma och hälsa – de har bevisligen börjat beta en del. Plötsligt går det inte alls åt lika mycket hösilage längre.
The girls hardly came to say hello – they have started to graze. Even if I don’t see any grass the hay is not consumed as much as usual.
Oengagerad tömkörning
/0 Comments/in Pepper/by Ingrid AmadoriSenaste inläggen
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