
All my Rockies in one picture!
Veckan har rullat på, promenader för vissa, tömkörning,  ridturer och ytterligare ett försök med löshoppning. Avslutningsvis fick jag besök och visade upp hästarna – eller snarare lät besökaren fixa med hästarna.

The week

Last week moved away quickly : some got walked, some long reined, all got trail rides or dressage and I did one more try with jumping. The week ended with a visitor that got to meet the horses – and work them a bit.
Guest and her dog.

Besöks bilder

Här är bilder från Annika Holtz som var på besök i helgen. Alltid kul att få ta del av!

Pictures from Annika Holtz that visited this Sunday. Always fun to get!

Ihopsläpp av fölen – bildbomb

First meeting. I let only the mares and foal out together at first.

When we left, everyone seemed happy and calm.

Hela sommaren har jag längtat efter denna dag: dagen då fölen skulle få leka med varandra. Det enda tråkiga är att nu kommer Calinka och Pepper få turas om att gå själva tills fölen vänjs av – då får de gå med Calinka.

Introducing the foals to each other

All summer I have waited for the day that the foals could play with each other. The only boring thing is that now Pepper and Calinka have to take turns to be alone until the foals are weaned. Then the foals is going to be with Calinka.

Pepper had to walk around all the pasture and sniff it out – seemed as he didn’t care much about his mares.
Pepper and Percy hasn’t been in the same pasture for some time and needed to talk a little again.
Bunny jumping around – enjoying life.
Someone can raise her tail

Not totally sharp, but I just loved her way of moving.
Bunny can move really nice when she want’s to.

Dagens bilder

Look at the reflections in the car…
Isac took this photo some days ago.


In your face – one reason why I have few pictures from the pasture…
Äntligen har det flutit på i en eller ett par veckor: alla hästar har blivit tränade som jag önskat! Pepper har fått jobba en del, idag dressyr, i lördags uteritt med Calinka. Calinka har också fått jobba på, mest ute på vägarna och har börjat galopperas. Bunny och Percy har också varit ute nästan varannan dag och jobbat lite lätt på vägarna eller stubbåkern.
Hoppas vi kan hålla detta upp minst en månad. Då kan hästarna delta i ett par roliga aktiviteter som är på gång…
Well, I got something, but what did she do with her tongue?


Finally everything has been going according to plan. All horses have been worked regularly the last weeks. Pepper has gotten some time to work: today dressage, Saturday 30 minutes at the roads with Calinka. Calinka has also been worked, mostly on the trails; now she has started to canter. Percy and Bunny have also been out nearly every second day and worked slightly on the roads around her or at the field.
I hope we can keep this up for at least a month. then the horses can participate in a lot of fun things that is coming up…
Tea and Bunny
Embla is growing and getting darker every day.
Curious Embla, checking out the car.