Sadel på
/0 Comments/in Calinka, Mika, Percy/by Ingrid AmadoriCalinka var nästa häst på tur, eller snarast Mika som fått dåligt med motion eftersom jag varit sjuk. Skritt barbacka med hund på släp blev alldels lagom för oss alla tre. Dessutom en otroligt vacker dag! Hoppas jag kan fortsätta jobba dem i veckan!
Finally, finally, finally I felt a little bit better so I headed for the stable. (Let’s hope that I won’t have to pay for that later). Anyway, Mariah worked Calinka and Pepper yesterday so Percy was on the top of the list. I realized that it was some time since she was in the stable by herself as she got a little stressed, whining for Calinka. I lifted her feet and then I put a saddle on her back for the first time and then the bridle. We walked a bit and I placed her at the mounting block, putting some weight in the saddle. The I tried to teach her how to react to the bit – left, right and stop. Not very easy on my own; I had planned ground driving but I did as good as I could. Percy did great anyway!And she could neither resist the trash can going back to the stable.
Calinka was next on my list – or it was Mika but by bringing Calinka in we could have a nice bareback walk in the beautiful weather all three of us. Mika has not been walked as much lately as I have been sick so it was really good for here. I really hop that I am going to be able to continue work them all this week!
Mika 5 år!
/0 Comments/in familj, Mika/by Ingrid Amadori
För 5 år sedan föddes min första, och hittils ända valpkull. Först ut var Mika och sedan kom ytterligare 4 syskon. Grattis Mika och alla syskon: Tennis, Wip, Sol och Nikita.
Själv förstår jag inte att Mika är 5 , den där kvällen var så inte länge sedan. Men så börjar tänka på kvällen då de föddes och hur annorlunda allt var då. Kristian var på basketmatch någonstans i Sverige (så mycket han spelade basket då) och vi bodde inne i stan. För att få igång Niki (Mikas mamma) när jag insåg vad som var på gång sprang vi flera gånger upp och nerför trappan till mormor. Mormor ja, hon levde då och med lite hjälp lyckades hon kunna sitta bredvid valplådan och se på de små. Även katterna vi hade då undrade vad det var för konstiga kryp som anlänt.
5 years ago my first, and so far only, puppy litter was born. Mika was the first and then came 4 more brothers and sisters. Congratulations Mika and her brothers and sisters: Tennis, Wip, Sol and Nikita.
Me myself can’t understand that Mika is already 5 years, that night was not a very long time ago. But then I started thinking about that night and how different everything was. Kristian was at a basketball game somewhere in Sweden (he played a lot basket ball back then) and we lived in the city. To get Niki started (Mika’s mother) when I understood what was going on, we ran up and down grandma’s stairs. Grandma, she was still alive and with some help she could come down to our apartment and sit buy the puppies and watch them. Even the cats we had then got curious and had to examine the new things that had arrived.
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