/0 Comments/in Bunny, Esmeree, Pepper, Percy, temperament/by Ingrid AmadoriStallet har målats nyligen. Sista dagen satte de tillbaka vindskivor och målade dem. För det användes en skylift. Hästarna var inte precis störda av arbetet. (Jag såg till att stängsla av stallet vid målningen så att de inte skulle få extra “hjälpredor”).
The stable was recently painted. The last day they needed to fix some finally things and had to use a skylift. The horses didn’t seem bothered…. (I made a fence to get the horses out of the way for the workers so they wouldn’t get extra “helpers”).
Joe & grimman
/0 Comments/in föl, Joe/by Ingrid AmadoriMer föl och flock
/0 Comments/in Bunny, Calinka, Esmeree, Iris, Joe, Percy/by Ingrid AmadoriTömkörning Mira
/0 Comments/in Esmeree/by Ingrid Amadori
I think it’s time to start to long rein Mira but it is good to have someone to help you the first times. I got my mother-in-law with me to the stables so she helped me to lead Mira. No problems even if she is not uses to horses. But, I think we need to do like this a couple of times more before Mira and I can be all on our own. Still, she started to learn how to stop, start and turn. They learn so easily!
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Allt material är skyddat av internationell upphovsrättslag och får ej användas i andra sammanhang utan skriftlig tillåtelse.