Pink Ride 2013 – reportaget

Front cover
Den 19 oktober annordnades den första Pink Ride i RMHAs (Rocky Mountain Horse Association) regi. Sjävklart ordnade vi vår egen ritt i Sverige. SE HÄR för mer om den.  Nu kom reportaget i RMHAs egna tidning och vi kom med på två bilder – en på baksidan och en inne i tidningen!

För att samla in pengar säldes t-shirts och luvtröjor och totalt fick man genom detta ihop 5410,05 dollar till bröstcancerforskningen. Bilder från ritter sändes in från Kalifonien, Colorado, Missouri, Minnesota, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio och Pennsylvania. Förutom Sverige då!

Pink Ride 2013 – in the magazine

October 19:th the first Annual Pink Ride was
David is in everything right now… This is the back of the pink ride hoodie…
organized by RMHA. Off course we had one in Sweden! More about that HERE. Now came an article about it in RMHAs magazine. We got two pictures in it – on on the back cover and on in the magazine!
Article – our photo is second from the bottom at the right. Me, David at my stomach, Calinka, Percy, Helena, Bunny and Maria
To raise money for breast cancer research t-shirts and hoodies were sold. That gave 5410,05 dollars. Pictures from Pink Rides were sent to the association from Califonia, Colorado, Missouri, Minnesota, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio och Pennsylvania. Except Sweden!
Back cover, our picture at the bottom at the left: Sylvia and Fiona, Percy & Helena, Maria & Bunny

Front of the hoodie.


Idag snodde jag till mig en kvart, trots att jag behövdes hemma. Men den kvarten var värd det, för hela min familj tror jag. Den fick mitt trötta jag att försvinna, det som helst bara hade gått oc lagt sig så fort jag kom hem från jobbet. Istället fylldes energinivåerna så jag kommer orka med kvällen. Vad jag gjorde? Förutom att fixa mat och vatten till hästarna red jag Calinka de få minuterna och det räckte för att rensa huvudet och återfå lite ork. Åter redo för en kväll med två små barn. Hästar är underbara!
Old picture of me and my oldest horse – Calinka.

Steeling time

Today I stole fifteen minutes, even if I were needed at home. But those minutes was worth it, for all my family I think. That got my tired me to disappear, the one that had preferred to go to sleep as soon as I got home from work. Instead I got some energy; now the evening going to be nice. What I did? I didn’t only prepare food and water for my horses I but also rode Calinka those few minutes. That cleared my thoughts and got the energy up! Ready for an evening with two small children. Horses are wonderful!

2013 i bilder

It was a long winter full of snow.

We got new people helping us with the horses.

Ullekalvs Antea was born April 14.
In April Sylvia’s Rockies arrived, and in the summer Rockies arrived in Denmark.

When Tea got a little bit older she and her mum got to meet Pepper.

Jousting games at the castle, as usual in May, we used the scene for photos.

Percy and I nearly had the same due day.
 Ullekalvs Embla was born June 19.

David, our son that was born  June 26, grew as well as Embla.

All rockies in one picture – spending some time in a real herd.

All horses tried to jump…
During the warmer months we got some visitors, here is one of them.

Pepper loves to play with me.

Hosting a TREC traning. Calinka and Percy participated.
RMHAs Pink Ride to get money for breast cancer research.

We tried rythem bead – Isac really like the pretty necklace and wanted to use it all the time on all horses…

I November I experienced my first hoof abscess – and then Tea got it back and Embla got one as well…
Embla grew up and left for her new home December 27.

Tea has grown as well. She stays with us to be a future brood mare.
It might not be very obvious yet, but we are expecting two foals in May 2014.


Never planned to put it around a lamp, but I got it there while working on it..

Lite julpyssel med barnen fick hästtema… Och alla mina hästar är med, även min gamla angloarab. Visst blev de lika 🙂

Christmas decorations

It started as decorations with the children and ended up as a horse project. All my horses are there even my old Angloarabian.
Didn’t they resemble the “originals”? 


Original Bunny
Original picture that I used…

Original Percy
Espana, my old horse that became 29 years before she passed.

Original Espana, 26 years old


Original Calinka
Original Embla
Tea original picture

Vinterljus – ibland står annat än häst på schemat

Idag tog hela familjen och gick en promenad inne i staden. Varje år har det ordnas en promnadslinga med ljusinstallationer i december. Eftersom vi blev inbjudna att följa med ett gäng vinthundar passade vi på, dessutom var medryttar Maria och sambo där med sin azawakh Cleo. Trots två barn och en hund han vi säga hej på enkel gamla vänner som vi inte sett på länge. Totalt var det visst 29 hundar, whippet, saluki, borzoi, skotsk hjorthund, italiensk vinthund och så azawakh såg jag till. Mika har blivit gammal och brydde sig inte mycket men sover nu gott – hon tyckte nog det var mysigt. Isac (och vi övriga) njöt av ljusinstallationer som en discokula med tillhörande dansgolv i skogen, en bil i ett träd, en upplyst fasad som bytte färg och stora lysande fiskar. Bland annat.

Winter lights – we don’t have only horses at our agenda

Today all family took a walk in the city. Each year the make an installation in December at a walking path. As we got invited to join a group of sight hound owner we did. Besides Maria unthreatening stable, ger dog and boyfriend also joined. Even with two children and a dog we managed to say hello to some old friends. Nice. In total 29 dog attended; I saw whippets, a borzoi, salukis, a Scottish deerhound, Italian sight hounds and Maria’s azawakh Cleo. I relised Mika has gotten old as she didn’t bother a lot about the other dogs but I think she enjoyed it. Isac (and we other humans) watched a car in a tree, a lighten up house that changed colors, big shining fish, a disco ball and a dance floor among some trees, and some more.
Official Link – in Swedish. Includes a map and description (pictures) of the installations.