Hästavel – exteriör
/0 Comments/in avel, hästfilosofi, Rockis i Sverige, Rocky Mountain Horse/by Ingrid AmadoriComformation class in Kentuck 2011, probably young stallions. |
All over I want teh hrose to have a good balance in the body, that it has nice proportions between all differnt parts. I also like a pretty head with nice eyes. But there comes a part of the personality and the feeling I get from the horse.
Hästavel – temperament
/0 Comments/in avel, Rockis i Sverige, Rocky Mountain Horse/by Ingrid AmadoriHästavel – inledning
/0 Comments/in avel, hästfilosofi, Rockis i Sverige, Rocky Mountain Horse/by Ingrid AmadoriA good temperament (what is that?) is of course a part inte it, but also a good conformation and soundness. I am going more in detail in those different traits and what I like in other posts. I got the reason I think those things mater from the human world. (I rarely make that kind of paralleles, but here I find it valid). If a human finds it easy to play basketball, maybe I am taller tahn all others, I easily think that I am good. The trainer probably accnoledge me and praise me. That probably leads to a positive trend where I try harder and harder and feel good about it and get positive feedback.
I think animals work in the same way, if you find something the animal (horse in this case) finds simple and praise that it probably going to like it and like to continue to work with it. The trainer is probably going to like the horse and tell it that it is good when it tries and that way start a positive way. Both trainer and horse is going to show there best sides as they have so fun togheter. Of course a good trainer understands if he askes for something hard, knows the thin lines between ok and when it is not, notice those small differences and is good at explaining. but not all are as good trainers, have the experiance or the aiming to do everything in the fastes way. Therefore I want to breed a horse that find most basics easy, the ones that most equestrian sports build onto. It might not give you a horse for the elite, just as find it easy to play with a lball don’t make you a succesfull basketball player. But, you might learn the basics easyly. that way it is not always that what is a good conformation for one sport is that for another.
To be healthy then? Or soundness as I see it at horses. In one part I find it boring to visit the vet all the time, to rehabilitate, work the horses slowly over and over again. And it is not cheap. Another reason for health is that if you are in pain you might not be at your best. If everything always needs to be special and very careful.
To specify all preferred traits may not be easy – to find individuals that live up to all of them even harder. Maybe even harder even if you have a lot of money. No-one is perfect. Therein lies the charm about it; to find what is good enough, calculates risks and to find good matches. To choose individuals, even if not perfect. To sometimes evaluate ones believes and keep updated on what is happening in the world, both within the breed and science.
1 år i Sverige/ One year in Sweden
/0 Comments/in Bunny, Pepper, Percy, Rockis i Sverige/by Ingrid Amadori- Pepper som stod still när han fastnat i staketet, trots rejält med el i tråden. Hur länge är det ingen som vet.
- Percy som utan problem passerade en arbetade traktor och grävmaskin på en smal remsa väg. Hon var så lugn att jag lät min treåring son sitta kvar på hennes rygg.
- Bunny som av misstag hamnade på sin första ridtur här med både lera, dike och vass och som gick fram som om inget påverkade henne. Innan dess hade hon bara 30 dagars inridning bakom sig, ett halvår tidigare.
- Percys inridning, hon blev rädd, hoppade till för något när hon för andra gången bar någon på ryggen och istället för att bli orolig över vad som hände stannade hon bara lugnt innan jag knappt förståt vad som hände.
- Pepper som följde mig utan minsta tvekan rakt ut i mörkret och iväg från kompisarna när han anlände till Sverige.
- Bunny som efter bara tre gånger inte är särskilt svår att rida iväg på själv trots att hon egentligen är väldigt bereonde av sina hästkompisar.
- Miljöträning med dem alla där de knappt reagerar på presenningar, paraplyer eller andra konstiga saker jag hittar.
Och än en gång – några av favoritbilderna från året.
- Pepper got caught in the electric fence , but just stood there until help arrived. For how long I don’t know.
- Percy passed by a working tractor and an excavator with only a small passage. She was so calm that I had my three year old son to stay on her back.
- Bunny that, by mistake, got into much rougher grounds than I had planned for on her first with a rider in Sweden and behaved perfectly. Before that she had only been broken for 30 days half a year earlier.
- Percy that during second time with a rider spooked and instead of being worried about the thing on her back stopped before I even understood what happened.
- Pepper that followed me straight into the dark, away from other horses when he arrived in Sweden.
- Bunny that after only three times alone on the trail is easy to bring along, even if she otherwise depends a lot on her friends.
- The environmental training that I have done with them and that they hardly react on, tarp, umbrella or other strange things that I find.
First time without saddle and with bit.. |
And once more, some of my favorite pictures from the year once more.
Senaste inläggen
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- Vilka färger kan Cloud ge? September 13, 2023
- Ullekalvs Perceval June 1, 2022
Allt material är skyddat av internationell upphovsrättslag och får ej användas i andra sammanhang utan skriftlig tillåtelse.